
Sunday Services


Missions At Streams Church 

Streams Church is deeply committed to supporting missions, both locally and overseas. Ten percent of all funds received by Streams Church are allocated to local and foreign mission work. These resources are used to aid numerous missionaries and organizations, establish new churches, organize community outreach programs, and support a variety of impactful projects. We firmly believe that engaging in missions, whether nearby or across the globe, is an essential aspect of fulfilling God's purpose for all believers. Our dedication to making a positive difference in the world drives our mission efforts. Your generosity directly contributes to funding various groups and initiatives, enabling us to reach further and impact more lives. Thank you for your support.

Agua Fria FoodBank

Streams Church partners with the Agua Fria Food Bank in Avondale, AZ. Every first Sunday of the month we collect non-perishable food items to donate. Our biggest need is Peanut Butter and Jelly. We even supply grocery bags on the last Sunday of each month that you can take home and fill with groceries for the following Sunday!
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Alongside Ministries

Streams Church supports Alongside financially and through volunteers who serve as mentors. Alongside's vision is to mobilize the Body of Christ to disciple and equip incarcerated men and women for victorious Christian living. They partner with the local church to make prison ministry a reality through providing spiritual and practical guidance and support to incarcerated Christian men and women as they transition from prison back to the community and the church. They train and equip men and women volunteers from the local church to mentor the ex-offender in finding employment, housing, and maintaining accountability. Mentors provide relational support and spiritual guidance.

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Belize Ministries

Streams Church supports Port Loyola Calvary Chapel. Pastor Kenny, his wife, Una, and their two children, Anayah and Nissa, have worked tirelessly for the people of Belize, praying for their hearts and minds, that the Lord will soften their hearts and draw them to Him. Port Loyola is one of Belize City’s most dangerous neighborhoods. Pastor Kenny and his family believe in this present time, the Lord is calling His sheep to Him, and it is only those who know the sound of His voice who will respond to His call.

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Cadence International

Peter and Tanya serve with Cadence International, a ministry dedicated to helping those currently serving in our military. They host a house church and small group for military members at the Ellsworth Air Force Base in South Dakota. They are passionate about community, and bringing the light of Jesus to those who need it most.
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Choices Pregnancy Center

Since 1983, Choices has been serving young women, men, and babies. They are a non-profit, privately funded community health center in compliance with federal and state laws. They serve the Greater Phoenix area and are staffed by client advocates and medical professionals who are there to listen and provide the facts and information to help individuals make informed decisions about their body, sexuality, and future. All consultations are confidential and the majority of their services are free or at a very low cost.
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Czech Republic Missionaries

Tyrel and Natalie serve with Josiah Venture in the Czech Republic. Josiah Venture’s mission is to equip young leaders to fulfill Christ’s commission through the local church in Central and Eastern Europe where only 1% of the population have a personal relationship with Christ. Tyrel first visited the Czech Republic on a high school mission trip in 2003 to serve at an evangelistic English camp organized with Josiah Venture. He returned for several years after. During this time, he met his now wife, Natalie, who was serving as a translator at the camps. Tyrel and Natalie now live in the capital city of Prague, where Tyrel serves with Josiah Venture as a media specialist helping integrate media and film into the ministry while Natalie is pursuing a career in politics and business in her home country.
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Ecuador Missions - Iglesia Arco

The Arco Churches of central and southern Ecuador are seeing a move of the Holy Spirit as they preach the gospel and take care of the needs of their people.  We support Churches in the cities of Cuenca, Manta and the El Oro (banana plantation region).  The Arco Churches have hundreds of people coming to faith each year and are seeing miraculous healings.  They also are the Churches that administrate Compassion International for their area.  Christian Schools, Ministry training, Reduced fee medical clinics, medical outreaches and more are a part of the Arco churches ministry.  We are blessed to call them our sister Churches in Ecuador.
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Israel Missions: Firm Fellowship

Firm Fellowship serves a network of almost 70 ministries and organizations in Israel that share a passion for reaching Israelis with the Gospel. These local ministries are the true heroes, and together, we have a vision for a stronger and healthier Body of Messiah in Israel.
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Japan Missions

Streams Church supports Japan Missions through the missionary work of Pastor Lloyd and Judy Baker. In addition, Cheryl and Daisuke serve YoungLife Japan. YoungLife is an organization that looks to bring Christ to young adults and teenagers the world over. To learn more about Japan Missions click the link below. 

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Middle East Missions

The Corman Family works with Wycliffe Bible Translators USA. The organization exists to work with churches, communities and partner organizations so everyone can access God's Word in a language that touches their hearts. Wycliffe Bible works to speak or sign more than 7,000 languages worldwide so that people can have the Bible in the formats and languages that serve them best. 

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Portugal Missionaries

Daniel and Hannah Pavoni along with their children are serving as missionaries in Portugal. They work daily to share the Gospel with others around them. 

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Thailand Missions

Streams Church supports Joy to the World Foundation Thailand in their efforts to restore dignity and worth for vulnerable people groups through education, housing and resources.  Breanna's House of Joy restores life for young girls that are vulnerable and at risk.

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Ukraine Missionaries

Their mission is to achieve change at the national level in understanding the role of men as fathers in the family, society and the church through forming state family policy and public opinion for family values; and to promote the biblical model of a good father, to encourage men to follow it and to develop leadership in the home, the church and in society.
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